关键词:钢筋混泥土,裂缝 , 防治
abstract: the cast-in-situ reinforced concrete floor cracks are common in building construction and more difficult to overcome the common faults, the cracks greatly reduces the houses of the durability of the structure, the whole of the destruction structure. floor cracks are due to design, the
construction, the environment caused by force, and cracks, the crack usually divided into two kinds: one is caused by deformation cracks, also known as the structural cracks, such as temperature change, shrinkage of concrete foundation, uneven subsidence caused by such as crack; 2 it is caused by the loading crack, also called the structural cracks or stress fracture, the degree and load the corresponding, signaling that the structure bearing capacity is insufficient or have serious problems. cracks in the form of: easy generation transfixion crack site casting integrated sex or to the surface crack; site casting integrated parts easy generation diagonal crack outside; along the embedded pipe line to site casting integrated cracks. to crack site casting integrated, whether to need to deal with and how to deal with, depending on the nature of the cracks and its harmfulness. to affect the normal use, reduce the endurance of the cracks are should handle, in addition to the correct choice of treatment methods and treatment time outside, still should eliminate reason to start. through many years site supervision and inspection work experience in the practice of conclusion: to control the cracks appear, from material, design, construction and so on many aspects for comprehensive prevention and control. cracks
appear below the parts with this the main floor cracks prevention and control measures.
keywords: reinforcing steel bar mixes clay, cracks, prevention and treatment
三、现浇板配筋设计宜采用热轧带肋钢筋细且密的配筋方案。 1、屋面及建筑物两端的现浇板及跨度大于4.2m的板应配制双层双向钢筋,钢筋间距不宜大于150mm,直径不应小于8mm。 2、外墙转角处应设置放射形钢筋,钢筋的数量、规格不应少于7¢10,长度应大于板跨的1∕3,且不得小于1.2m。
4、管线应尽量布置在梁内,当楼板内需埋置管线时,管线必须布置在上下钢筋网片之间,且不宜立体交叉穿越,确需立体交叉的不应超过两层管线。线管在敷设时交叉布线处可采用线盒,同时在多根线管的集散处宜采用放射形分布,尽量避免紧密平行排列,以确保线管底部的混凝土浇筑顺利且振捣密实。当两根以上管并行时,沿管方向应增加¢4@150宽500 mm的钢筋网片,做到在应力集中部位有双层布筋。