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2020-03-14 来源:锐游网
评价 If you’re prone to sudden bursts of anger it could be your cat’S fault. SChizophrenia,bipolar disorder,impulsivity and suicidal behavior in earlier studies. 如果你发现自己经常会突然大动肝火, 那么问题可能出在自家养的猫身上。 A new study has found that people with 早期有研究表明,弓形体病也与精神分 裂症、躁郁症、 中动和自杀行为有关。 The NHS says that toxoplasmosis is ‘‘Intemaittent Explosive Disorder fIED1一 characterised by explosive bouts of rage—are twice as likely to have been infected by a parasite found in cat fieces. usually nothing to worry about because the innnune systeul is normally strong enough to ight tfhe infection and stop it from causing serious illness.’’ 英国医疗管理机构(NHS)表示,“通常无 最新研究发现,间歇爆发性精神障碍 (1ED)患者(以突发性情绪激动为主要症状) 需太担心这种弓形虫病,正常情况下人类的 曾经受猫排泄物中寄生虫感染的几率是其他 免疫系统足以与之抗衡,能阻止它继续引发 人的两倍 , The findings suggest that toxop1asIl10sis,an infection from the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. 任何重大疾病。” “After getting the infection,nlost people are iml11une to it for the rest of their life.’’ may alter people’S brain chemistry to cause long—teni1 behavior problemS. “大多数人受到感染后就会终身免疫 了 However,it can lead to serious problems in women who become infected while they’re 调查结果表明,这种由弓形虫引起的弓 形体病,可能会改变人们的大脑化学组成,导 致长期的行为问题。 Cats are known to pass the parasite on to human by shedding its eggs in their faeces. People call become infected by not washing their hands after cleaning a cat’S litter tray,and then unintentionally ingesting the eggs. pregnant,and people with weak inmmne systems. 不过,如果孕妇或者一些免疫系统较弱 的人受到感染,后果则不容小觑。 据悉,猫通过排泄物将弓形虫卵传给人 类。猫主人如果在洗完猫的粪便托盘后没有 及时洗手,就会无意中在手上残留了虫卵,进 而感染这种寄生虫。 Around a third of people in the UK will become infected at some point in their bVes— ith cat owners at particularlwy high risk. 在英国,大约有三分之一的人会在一生 中的某个时刻受到感染,那些家里养猫的人 感染风险尤其高。 Toxol ̄lasmosis has also been hnked with 44 
