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Apparatus and method for determining an injection

2022-02-12 来源:锐游网

专利名称:Apparatus and method for determining an

injection point for targeted drug

发明人:Alexandra Groth,Juergen Weese,Joerg




摘要:An apparatus determines an injection point for targeted drug delivery into apatient's body by injection of the drug into a vessel feeding a target area including a

target. To provide the interventionalist with an objective and quantitative assessment ofpotential drug injection points instead of letting him rely on his subjective impressionfrom the visual inspection of DSA sequences, a processor () includes an identificationroutine () for identification of a vessel tree topology of vessels feeding the target area, aflow determination routine () for determining the percentage of drug material deliveredto said target after injection into different potential injection points in the vessel tree, aselection routine () for selecting as optimal injection point the potential injection pointresulting in the highest percentage of drug delivery to the target.

申请人:Alexandra Groth,Juergen Weese,Joerg Bredno

地址:Aachen DE,Aachen DE,Aachen DE


