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2022-12-04 来源:锐游网

order的意思是:n.顺序;条理;订单;命令;秩序;阶层;[生]目;点的东西;v.命令;定购;调整;整理;点餐;预定,订货。order的例句是用作名词(n.)Today we'll reverse the usual order of the lesson.今天我们将把通常的上课顺序倒过来。order【近义词】calm。


  1. 秩序,整齐
  2. 次序,顺序
  3. 命令,指示
  4. 治安
  5. 教团
  6. 勋章
  7. 状况
  8. 订购,订货
  9. 勋爵士团
  10. 汇票
  11. 等级,阶级,阶层
  12. 结社
  13. 良好的状况,条理
  1. 命令,吩咐,嘱咐
  2. 整理,调整,整顿
  3. 订购,购,要求供应,订货
  4. 指挥
  5. 布置,安排
  6. 叫,点,点菜
  7. 处, 处理
  8. 建立(秩序)
  9. 处(方)
  10. 下令,指挥
  11. 定制,要求
  12. 要求提供服务


  1. (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed;

    "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"

  2. a degree in a continuum of size or quantity;

    "it was on the order of a mile"
    "an explosion of a low order of magnitude"

  3. established customary state (especially of society);

    "order ruled in the streets"
    "law and order"

  4. logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements;

    "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation"

  5. a condition of regular or proper arrangement;

    "he put his desk in order"
    "the machine is now in working order"

  6. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge);

    "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"

  7. a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities;

    "IBM received an order for a hundred computers"

  8. a formal association of people with similar interests;

    "he joined a golf club"
    "they formed a small lunch society"
    "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today"

  9. a body of rules followed by an assembly
  10. (usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy;

    "theologians still disagree over whether `bishop' should or should not be a separate Order"

  11. a group of person living under a religious rule;

    "the order of Saint Benedict"

  12. (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
  13. a request for something to be made, supplied, or served;

    "I gave the waiter my order"
    "the company's products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle"

  14. (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
  15. the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement;

    "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"

  1. give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority;

    "I said to him to go home"
    "She ordered him to do the shopping"
    "The mother told the child to get dressed"

  2. make a request for something;

    "Order me some flowers"
    "order a work stoppage"

  3. issue commands or orders for
  4. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations;

    "We cannot regulate the way people dress"
    "This town likes to regulate"

  5. bring order to or into;

    "Order these files"

  6. place in a certain order;

    "order the photos chronologically"

  7. appoint to a clerical posts;

    "he was ordained in the Church"

  8. arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events;

    "arrange my schedule"
    "set up one's life"
    "I put these memories with those of bygone times"

  9. assign a rank or rating to;

    "how would you rank these students?"
    "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"


1. 订单:(五)订单 订单(Order)是指进口商或实际买家拟制的货物订购单. 在我国外贸实践中,有的客户往往发出订单,要求我方签回. 这种经洽商成交后发出的订单,实际上是国外客户的购买合同或购买确认书.


Today we'll reverse the usual order of the lesson.


The house had been kept in good order.


An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff.


The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness.


Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.


The social order of ants is very interesting.


The rose and the bean families belong to the same order.


He gave his order to the waiter.


The commander ordered a counterattack.


He ordered three new suits for himeself.


I must have time to order my thoughts.


I've ordered egg and chips for you.



用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)


  • In the third order Principates..Next them Arch-Angels.

    出自:T. Heywood
  • Ordering her hair, some coils of which had been loosened.

    出自:W. D. Howells


order, class, rank
  • 这组词都可表示“集团”或“派别”的划分,“身份地位”或“等级”的“差别”。其区别在于:
  • 1.rank一般指一个可以确定的“等级”,尤指“头衔”等; order指在社会中的某个阶层或某个结合紧密的社会性或职业性团体,尤指基督教某个等级的教士或团体; class主要指社会中持有同一个目的的一个社会阶层。例如:
  • Even middle-class consumers in the U.S. are beginning to kick at the runaway prices.连美国中产阶级的消费者也开始对飞涨的物价表示不满。
  • He gained the rank of Colonel.他获得了上校军衔。
  • He is a member of the Order of the Garter.他是获得嘉德勋位的爵士社团中的一员。
  • 2.class还可指按经济地位、职能或按人们所具有的某些共同特征所做的划分。例如:
  • This ticket doesn't entitle you to travel first class.凭这张车票,你不能坐头等车旅行。
  • in order to, so as to
  • 两者都可表示“为了”。但in order to可置于句首,而so as to不可置于句首。试比较:
  • In order to see me, she delayed a few hours.
  • 她为了能见到我,拖延了几个小时。
  • He learns so as to become wise.
  • 他学习知识是为了变得聪明。
  • in order that, so that
  • 这两个短语都可引导目的状语,且都是正式语体,但in order that比so that更正式。另外, in order that不与can, could连用,而so that则可以。还有, so that可引导结果状语从句,而 in order that则不可以。
  • v.(动词)
    order sth from, order sth of
  • 两者都有“向…订购”的意思。它们的区别是:from后接人,店名、地名等均可; 而of后只可接人。试比较:
  • I ordered it from〔of〕 a trader in Nanjing.
  • 这是我从南京一商人手中订购的。
  • They ordered a large quantity of fertilizer from that company.
  • 他们从那家公司订购了大量的化肥。
  • order, ask, beg, demand, request, require
  • 这组词的共同含义是“请求”。其区别是:
  • 1.从语气上看, beg最弱,有“恳求”的意味,如ask后仍达不到愿望,就要进一步beg了。例如:
  • He begged me to excuse him.他乞求我原谅他。
  • request表示较客气,是有礼貌、谦虚地“请求”。例如:
  • Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.请观众不要抚摸展品。
  • ask的“请求”有时委婉,有时强烈。例如:
  • The boy asked timidly if he might see the book.那男孩怯生生地问能否看一下这本书。
  • He asked curtly for a cup of water.他粗声粗气地要一杯水喝。
  • require语气较request强烈,但较demand缓和。例如:
  • This plan requires secrecy.这计划要求保密。
  • demand已是不折不扣的要求。例如:
  • The guard demanded his business.警卫查问他来干什么。
  • 而order则比demand更强烈,丝毫不让步。例如:
  • If you make any more noise,I shall order you out of the classroom.你如果再叫,我就命令你从教室里出去。
  • 2.从目的上看,这组词都表示要求对方满足自己的某种愿望, ask希望对方能给予肯定的答复,而request则对能否得到肯定的答复把握不大。例如:
  • The meeting will take place at 8 o'clock. Your presence is requested.会议将于8时召开,敬请光临。
  • 3.从根据上说, demand一般指客观上必要,缺此不可,多来自权威方面。例如:
  • The work demands care and patience.这工作需要细心和耐心。
  • require则指基于事物内在原因提出的要求。例如:
  • His health requires that he go to bed earlier.他的健康状况要求他早睡。
  • 4.从感情色彩上看, beg含有浓厚的感情色彩,表示“一再要求”。例如:
  • The boy begged his mother not to punish him.那孩子要求他妈妈不要惩罚他。
  • demand含有“愤怒”“焦急”等义。例如:
  • The father demanded knowledge of what had occurred during his absence from home.父亲要求说明他不在家时究竟发生了什么事。
  • require则强调铁面无私。例如:
  • This requires great attention in our work.这一点我们在工作中要特别注意。
  • 5.从使用场合看, ask使用范围最广; order则多限于军队中或医生对病人。例如:
  • The officer ordered that the men should fire the guns.长官命令士兵开火。
  • order, bid, command, tell
  • 这组词都有命令的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.order和bid是及物动词,而command和tell既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。
  • 2.order和command一般指上级命令下级; command是权力用语,更强调下命令的人有权威,特别指军官命令士兵; 而order却可以指某个人对他人下命令,如医生嘱咐病人; tell则多用于日常情况,“吩咐”的意味往往大于“命令”。
  • 3.bid态度并不十分强制; command却有“强迫”“命令”“必须服从”的意味; order语气比command弱,不那么正式; tell的语气则更弱。
  • 4.跟动词不定式的复合结构时, bid多不带to,而command和order则须保留to。
  • 5.order还可表示“次序”或“订货”的意思,而command和bid则没有此意。
  • order, arrange, marshal, methodize, organize
  • 这组词都有“整理”“安排”的意思。它们的区别是:
  • 1.order指把事物安排得井井有条,和谐一致,或者按照固有的或严格的规则进行“安排”。
  • 2.arrange指按照恰当的秩序、关系、计划、需要或可能等进行“安排”或“调整”。例如:
  • Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.在离开之前,他把业务都安排好了。
  • The point is how to arrange our daily life well.问题在于如何把我们的日常生活安排好。
  • 3.marshal指为了便于安排或提高效率而进行的“调整”“整理”。例如:
  • Next day he found they had been marshaled to go by air to Beijing.第二天,他发现大家已经安排好,打算乘飞机到北京去。
  • 4.methodize指通过规定次序、方式等使工作条理化。例如:
  • We want you to methodize the everyday work of the factory.我们要你使厂里的日常工作条理化。
  • 5.organize指把分散的有关人员或事物编成一个整体,使每一个体在这个整体中都能各尽其职或各行其是。例如:
  • Older students were having difficulty in studying and organizing themselves.年龄大的学生们学习有困难,也难以组织起来。
  • The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole.这位探险家组织了一次北极探险活动。
  • command,order,direction,instruction
  • 这些名词均含“命令”之意。
  • command较正式用词,强调权威性、全局性和强制性。
  • order普通用词,侧重指具体的命令。
  • direction正式用词,指口头或书面的指示或命令。内容不一定详尽,语气较缓和,不太强调强制性。也可指指导性的说明。
  • instruction书面用词,指不容违反、不容推翻的命令。也多指包含具体说明的指示。
  • order,bid,command
  • 这些动词均含有“命令”之意。
  • order普通用词,多指上级对下级,主人对仆人以及教师对学生等发出的命令,也指态度专横地命令他人。
  • bid与order同义,但较正式,文学意味强,多指口头直接下的命令。
  • command话意强,指正式下令,强调下令者的权威性,要求必须服从。
  • order的相关近义词





    orderlyordealOrdericordererorderedorder uporderingorder oforderlessorder fororder offorder out

