造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、the frontiers of geology, geography and technology.(地质学、地理学和技术学的前沿。)
2、Juan Louis, a junior geology major, decided to give an informative speech about how earthquakes occur.(地质专业大三学生胡安路易斯决定做一个有关地震如何发生的内容翔实的演讲。)
3、The data of geology is reported and used to discuss on petrogenic type and tectonic implication.(通过地质资料的报道,探讨了该区的成岩类型和构造意义。)
4、He then proceeded to teach himself geology, and when he was twenty-four, he went to work for the company that was excavating the Somerset Coal Canal in the south of England.(后来,他又自学了地质学;24岁的时候,他开始为那家挖掘英格兰南部的萨默塞特煤炭运河的公司工作。)
5、What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, medicine or any other science?(科学态度的本质是什么,研究和应用物理、生物、化学、地质、工程、医学或其他科学的人的态度是什么?)
6、At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology.(起初他学建筑,但后来转到地质学。)
7、In the late 1700s, geology was in its infancy.(在18世纪末期,地质学尚处于起步阶段。)
8、Cosmology, geology, and biology have provided a consistent, unified, and constantly improving account of what happened.(宇宙学、地质学和生物学对所发生的事情提供了一致的、统一的和不断改进的解释。)
9、Karst landscapes differ because of geology and climate.(喀斯特景观会因地质和气候不同而异。)
10、geology or geography?(地质还是地理理论?)
11、Many regard him as the father of geology as a modern science.(很多人将他视为现代科学中的地理学之父。)
12、Classical geology borrowed a decisive, if unspoken, premise from Newton—the independence of Earth's processes from any astronomical context.(经典地质学从牛顿那里借用了一个决定性的前提——地球过程独立于任何天文环境。)
13、So for several weeks like I said we'll be addressing geology from a wider perspective.(正如我说过的,接下来的几周,我们将以更广泛的视角来研究地质学。)
14、This can work well but only a limited number of regions have suitable geology.(这一套系统只有在有限的几个具备地质条件的地区才能够很好的发挥作用。)
15、He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Georgia.(他曾是佐治亚大学的地质学客座教授。)
16、We went on a geology field trip.(我们去进行地质野外考察。)
17、However, I have more interest in geology.(可是我对地质学更感兴趣。)
18、geology is the primary Earth science.(地质学是最重要的地球科学。)
19、From his audience and analysis, he learned that only 2 or 3 of his classmates knew much of anything about geology.(从他的听众和分析报告中,他了解到,只有2到3个同学对地质学涉猎较深。)
20、Coal seams, like oilfields, vary hugely in their geology.(就像油田一样,煤层在地底下也非常巨大。)
21、THE here and now are defined by astronomy and geology.(这儿和现在是被天文学和地质学定义的。)
22、The new geology leaves all in doubt.(新的地质情况让一切处于不确定之中。)
23、To be absolutely safe, Juan asked his roommate, who was not a geology major, to listen to the speech.(为了保证万无一失,胡安让他的非地质专业的室友来听他的演讲。)
24、The Pleistocene superficial geology comprises well-bedded sandy gravels with occasional thin beds of sand.(更新世浅层地质为层状砂质砾石,偶有细沙层。)
25、These markings, they report in geology, are up to 13mm wide and up to 17cm long.(据他们在《地质学》杂志中的报告,这些斑点宽不过13毫米,长不过17厘米。)
26、Fred had an extensive background in geology.(弗雷德有广泛的地质学背景知识。)
27、In 1831 when Smith was finally recognized by the Geological Society of London as the "father of English geology", it was not only for his maps but also for something even more important.(1831年,史密斯最终被伦敦地质学会认可为“英国地质学之父”,这不仅是因为他的地图,而且是为了其他更重要的原因。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。